For many years we have lived in Lüdenscheid and have always been active in various areas of public life. We know many organisations, many establishments and institutions, and many different people.
In Lüdenscheid one can do a lot, if one knows someone who knows someone, who knows that or is able to do that.
We want to do a lot, and invite everybody who feels they can help with that.
We want to offer those, who found refuge here, a network where they can
- get to know public life, practice and customs in Lüdenscheid
- learn methods and manners for a pleasant life in Lüdenscheid
- find help to manage the huge changes between their former life and the life they can have now without too much trouble.
We want to go on a treasure hunt and see, what the refugees brought here:
Surely not precious jewlery, rare spices or exclusive fabric like the wise men of the orient. But maybe something that will turn out to be even more precious:
Knowledge, capabilities and experiences from surroundings and biographies, that can add to our horizon and combine fruitfully in our global world.
Everybody who wants to help
- to do something with refugees
- to show something of our life, and explain and share
and is open for
- see and hear what they have brought with them
- what they want, and are capable of, and what we can learn from them
should get into touch with us.
To contact us just use the form at the right of this page.
Actual offers:
We meet
every Monday from 4:30 pm till 6 pm
in the café of the "Mehrgenerationenhaus" of AWO,
Christine-Schnur-Weg (former Duisbergweg)
This offer focusses on women and their children, but men are allowed to take part as well.
There will be tea and coffee, games, handworks, handicraft works and painting, music, international cooking... so we will have fun and get in contact.
Team leader:
We currently are looking for a team leader!
If you, also as a refugee, have questions
or you are interested in
volunteer work,
please give us a note: